My first NASA Space Grant internship was in 2008, studying meteorites at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. During my Space Studies master's degree program, I interned at the Goddard Space Flight Center's Office of Communications in the summer of 2012.
I returned to Goddard full-time at the beginning of 2014, creating videos for missions across heliophysics, Earth science, astronomy, and planetary science. I was the lead video producer for the Hubble Space Telescope from 2015-2019. I returned part-time to Goddard from 2021-2022 to provide surge production support for the JWST launch and commissioning and to assist the live shots team.
Throughout my work at NASA Goddard, I:
Connected outside TV producers with NASA resources
Learned and implemented workflows for logging and backing up raw footage, performing QC edits, exporting for broadcast and digital platforms, adding metadata, archiving media assets and master files on our internal server, captioning videos, and publishing deliverables to our external SVS website
Developed a media-friendly hosted video format for Hubble Space Telescope science news stories that could be produced under tight deadlines and reach millions of people across social media and news outlets
Collaborated across multi-organizational teams in order to ensure trusting relationships, scientific accuracy, and timely, coordinated publication of content
Kept abreast of best digital media practices to optimize video for NASA TV, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, IGTV
Edited and ran roll-ins for live broadcasts, making rapid adjustments and fixes and ensuring content met broadcast specifications
Worked with digital archivists to create a publicly accessible and searchable archive of hundreds of hours of historical Hubble footage
Provided surge video editing support surrounding the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, including serving as lead editor and roll-ins operator for live JWST press briefings, launch broadcast, and science images broadcasts
Assisted the live shots team with booking interviews, writing media advisories, editing resources for news stations, rehearsing with scientists, and updating media contact lists
In 2017, I earned the Office of the Director Peer Award for Collaboration and Teamwork, "for lending her talent in creating, producing and conceiving a host of NASA videos and for continually having the most viewed video of the week on Goddard social media."
Additionally, the asteroid previously known as 2005 LM6 was named 120353 Katrinajackson for my video production work on the OSIRIS-REx mission.